Feb 4 , 2018
My guest today is looking to become the youngest person to travel to space. Yeah you heard me right.
24 year old Joseph Lazukin is on a mission to space and he’s just weeks away from launch.
This tech entrepreneur is not short of impressive accomplishments.
He taught himself to code when he was 12.
When he was 13 he built an online community of over 10,000 members.
At the age of 17 he turned $50 into $100,000
He also has launched multiple tech companies including Liveleap which is the largest syndication platform for Facebook live and brought in $480,000 in revenue in the first 3 weeks.
Oh and on the side he earns $75,000 a month consulting for other companies.
As always heres a short rap i put together to introduce my guest
His story is insane, can’t wait to pick his brain.
Was broke as a joke
Sleeping in his car didn’t think he’d get very far.
But now he’s a tech star.
Making cash in his sleep, created liveleap, he’s the black sheep and his mission is deep.
On a race to Space, it’s not outta place,
launched companies on a shoelace,
Crazy challenges he’s gonna face
Even death he needs to brace.
But if that’s the case.
He’ll leave his trace.
His Legacy he must embrace
Some think he’s crazy but maybe just maybe they're just too lazy and their visions hazy
But if you're looking to win then listen to him his name is Joseph Lazukin
What you will learn:
* Why Joseph decided to become the youngest space traveler
* How to prepare for massive accomplishments
* How to make your own space suit
* What is takes to go into space
* How to populate other planets
* Underground populations
* The future of space travel
* Micro Satellites
* ... and MUCH MORE
Interesting highlights:
* Joseph built an online community with 10,000 members at 13
* Joseph shares how he became homeless and lived in his car
* Joseph jumps our of planes 4 times a day
* Joseph plans on becoming the youngest space traveler in the world
Joseph's #1 practical advice:
Someone has to be the firstTweet This
Wanna pick Joseph's brain? Join my exclusive FB group now!
Resources & Links:
* Stay in touch with Joseph on FB: https://www.facebook.com/joseph.lazukin/
* Get Featured (Sponsor)
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