066: Growth Hacker Schools SEO On Growth Hacking w/Tiffany daSilva

Dec 6 , 2018


I truly believe in the power of cross-discipline learning.
That’s exactly why I brought a growth consultant on the show – to learn valuable insights from a different marketing field. (Despite a few surface similarities between SEO and Growth Hacking, when you dig in, they really are two different animals).
This episode is for anyone who wants to gain perspective and marketing ideas from the world of growth hacking – no matter your “lane” – SEO, PPC, Email, CRO.
Tiffany and I sat down (virtually over Skype) to chat about Growth Hacking. This interview plays a bit more like a conversation in a coffee shop (maybe because she was in a coffee shop – apologies for some of the background noise *ahem* ambiance  – since this episode was recorded, I have greatly updated our recording setup – so you can look forward to much better quality in the future!)
Anyway, enjoy being a fly on the wall while Tiffany shares:

* Her definition of Growth Hacking (the best I have personally ever heard – where I said “OK, this makes sense now”).
* One small PPC campaign change that resulted in a 50% YoY increase in leads.
* What CSI has to do with CRO.
* And tons more – we start with a story of making $5,000 in affiliate revenue … at age 10.

Enjoy 🙂

And don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes!

* What My 9 Year Old Self Taught Me
* GrowthHackers
* Tiffany’s Site
* Giving Users the Feels
* Hotjar
* Qualaroo
* UserTesting
* 5 Brainstorming Ideas to Hack Growth
* 5 Brainstorming Ideas: Full InboundTO Talk
* How Do You Set Marketing Goals for Your Team?
* Unthinkable podcast
* FiveSecondTest.com
* Tiffany on Uberflip
* Growth Hacking Box


* Tiffany Da Silva
* Peep Laja
* Nichole Elizabeth
* Joanna Wiebe

Up next

Learn how Alpha Voice can help you grow your audience