Dec 6 , 2018
International SEO is frankly one of those areas of SEO I never quite “got” out of the gate. So whenever an International SEO project would come up, I’d usually pass it along.
But today I wanted to solve that for myself – and for you the listener. So if you’ve found International and even Multilingual SEO a challenge in the past, my guest is here to help end our pain! Even if you’ve had some experience here, she’ll get us up to date to all the best latest best practices.
Aleyda Solis not only has years of SEO experience but also has a formal background in systems engineering – and shares everything she knows with tons of energy and enthusiasm.
Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes!
* Remoters.net
* Orainti
* Select the Right Structure for Your International Website
* Top-Level Domain
* Using the Right Hreflang Tag
* Auditing Hreflang Annotations
* Hreflang Generator Tool
* Mobile First SEO
* 10 Ways to Use Chrome’s Dev Tools
* Facebook – Aleyda’s SEO Tips
* Aleyda Solis
* #MujeresEnDigital
* Zeph Snapp
* Gianluca Fiorelli
* Gisele Navarro
* Lisa Myers
* Gary Illyes
* Aleyda’s Book – SEO: The Essential Keys
Web Dev Background?
* “I taught myself HTML … “
* “I ended up winning the contest.”
* “I built sites. Marketing was the next stage of the process.”
How Do You Divide Work?
How Does Speaking Multiple Languages Benefit Marketing?
International SEO?
* “It’s not just for those with products. If you have a service desired by those who speak other languages, you need it.”
What About Structuring an International Site?
* “Target with a subdomain or a subdirectory … “
* “Mashable selects subdomains. Authority is not an issue for them.”
* “Subdomains won’t allow you to consolidate authority as much.”
* “You really want to leverage the authority you already have.”
* “Hey, Google look,
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