Denso Explores “Smarter Mobility, Smarter Living”

July 0 , 2018


Denso is a global automotive supplier. They supply to all automakers in the world. Denso thinks that everything is going to be connected in the future.
Aylee spoke with Manager of Corporate Communications at Denso International America, Bridgette LaRose, at CES 2016. Denso’s concept at CES 2016 was “Smarter Mobility, Smarter Living”. Their booth showed what a more connected world would be like, and also gave examples of how Denso’s technologies could be used to create a smarter, safer, more convenient world.
Denso wants their technology to lead to better quality of life for people around the world. At CES 2016, Denso had a Smarter City display and a virtual reality display that showed what a more connected world would look like. Denso also had a display that showed how connectivity plays an important role in the ability to achieve automated driving.
Aylee Nielsen is a video host who specializes in covering live events for Plughitz Live.

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