363. Exactly How to Launch a Podcast with Sebastian Rusk

Sep 4 , 2022


Life is full of ups and downs. However, once you find your purpose in this world, situations and circumstances don't matter. My guest for today, Sebastian Rusk, lived quite a journey until he found his true calling - and that is to help people tell their stories through podcasting.

Sebastian is a Podcast Launch Specialist and has been building online communities for the last 15 years. He founded PodcastLaunchLab.com in 2016 as a turn-key podcast launch solution for marketers and entrepreneurs that want to start a podcast. He knows that everyone has an incredible story inside of them – all they need is someone to ask them questions so they can share it with the world!

Sebastian is currently the Host of the GritDaily.com Startup podcast that covers the world of tech and startups, as well as Web3 SUCKS! – a show dedicated to education about the world of Web3 and NFTs.

In this episode, Sebastian talks about how he started all his podcast shows - GritDaily.com Startup and Web3 SUCKS!. He also shares his professional and personal journey that led him to his true passion - podcasting. 

Tune in! The show notes, including the transcript and checklist to this episode, are at marketingspeak.com/363.

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