Mar 4 , 2018
jordanharbingertechniqueguestshaqThere are specific things that Jordan Harbinger did relentlessly that resulted in topping the charts of the podcasting world. I wanted to bring him on here to talk about how he did it with his previous podcast, Art of Charm. He’s now growing a second podcast called The Jordan Harbinger Show. His goal with The Jordan Harbinger Show is for every episode to solve a problem for you or make you better in some way. I listened to it. I didn’t want to just come here and say, “It’s a good show. Go download it,” because he’s a friend. I wanted to make sure it was actually good and it was. It will help you solve a problem, make you better in some way.
Jordan Harbinger is the host of The Jordan Harbinger Show, where every episode solves a problem for you or make you better in some way.
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