What you will learn

A different vision on building websites than the Authority Hacker way
How Matt Optimises his affiliate articles for CTR and rankings
The types of affiliate content Matt uses the most
How long it takes for a piece of content to earn for Matt
How Matt tracks and A/B tests his pages
How Matt handles content that doesn't rank as well as expected
His approach to link building and when he uses grey or white hat SEO

Here at Authority Hacker, we believe there is more than one way to skin a cat and don't want to "guruify" the way we do things.

That is why I'm super excited to have Matt Diggity on today's podcast, and we get to talk about the different paths we take when doing affiliate SEO.

In case you don't know him, Matt is the brilliant mind behind Digittymarketing.com which is one of the only blogs in this industry coming out with original tested insights. I highly recommend reading it as it's an excellent alternative view to what we share on this site.

As you may know, Matt does use grey hat SEO for his sites, but he also does outreach. So we also get to confront visions on that.

Additionally, Matt is an excellent conversion optimizer, so we got to talk about how to angle content for more sales, rankings, and avoiding cannibalization.

If you enjoyed the podcast, Matt has an SEO conference in November called Chiang Mai SEO. It was a big hit last year if you want some real-life mixed hat SEO action together with cool networking and delicious Thai food, consider checking it out.

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