Mar 3 , 2018
smartwalkerverygotfeatshamiraibrahimbrothassynittaWith The Internets abuzz after the debut of Spike Lee's update on his 1986 feature film debut, She's Gotta Have It, we felt it was only right to assemble the homies to discuss the show's portrayal of modern love in gentrified Brooklyn. We're joined by writer and Editor-In-Chief of TheExtraordinaryNegroes.com Synitta Walker and Shamira Ibrahim, contributor to Very Smart Brothas, Washington Post, and other outlets, to unpack the Netflix series, whether its take on sexuality and polyamory reflect dating in the 2000 and the 17, challenges in writing Millennial television characters, and healthy ways to juggle lovers.
The second installment of "An Extraordinary Evening: For Podcasters of C...
On 12/13, Jay organized a massive event in Los Angeles celebrating the a...
Intro By Amanda Seales & Brian Alexander Morgan
Music By Jonny ...
Intro by Naarai Michele
Outro by Langston Hughes
Get your kl...
Intro by DJ Suede The Remix God
Music By Marcelmakesmusic, Beatko...