E478: News Roundtable: Ello explosion, Apple angst, Ebay-PayPal splitsville, and deconstructing employment

Sep 6 , 2017


It's a rollicking News Roundtable this week with Jason and guests Ben Parr (DominateFund) and Jessica Lessin (TheInformation). The trio tackles the sudden Ello explosion, Apple angst, splitsville for Ebay & Paypal, and an in-depth discourse on an issue Silicon Valley doesn't know how to talk about -- how are the innovations developed here affecting employment for everyone else in the country?

Also BING Launch of the Week! What cool new device will win over the judges? GripSnap, a magnetic holder for smartphones to capture the perfect selfie; Jibo, the world's first family robot; or Unpocket, the untrackable & unhackable pocket for the surveillance phobic?

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