E615: News Roundtable! Mattermark’s Danielle Morrill & NYT’s Katie Benner dig into the state of the markets, funding & IPO fall-outs, Apple A.I. & VR,...

Sep 6 , 2017


It’s the News Roundtable with Danielle Morrill, CEO and Founder of Mattermark, and Katie Benner, reporter at the NY Times. Each brings their expertise of deep data and reporting to shed light on the state of the market and projects for 2016. Among the many questions tackled: are we going to have a crash, or just a correction? (and what's the difference?); will there be IPOs in 2016 … and should there be??; what would be the ripple effect of Chinese stock market crash? is this a scary landscape, or exciting? (i.e., time to bail … or buy?) The three also discuss the Apple’s latest forays into A.I. and VR, the on-demand market, the unit economics of Uber, their favorite apps and guilty pleasures. And a heated debate about the ethics of publishing data on companies perceived to be going south … Don’t miss this!

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