Jared Fliesler, Matrix VC & growth guru (Square, Google), leads master class on product growth

Feb 5 , 2018


The first show from our LAUNCH Incubator series! Over 12 weeks, 7 companies are learning how to make game-changing startups under the guidance of the best in the business. Today Jared Fliesler, Matrix Partners VC & growth guru (ex- Square, Slide & Google), leads a master class on how to grow your product. Among the many mysteries Jared unpacks: the three essential steps in growing your product, the critical characteristics of growth gurus, buckets of growth and how you measure them (is money more valuable than content? etc.), perfecting your core product loop, organic versus paid marketing, avoiding others' mistakes while stealing their great ideas, the specific brands he's learned the most from -- and much, much more. You do not want to miss this!

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