Oct 2 , 2020
botalexachatbotartificial intelligencedata sciencevoice assistantgoogle assistantvoicefirstThis episode was created by Roger Kibbe, senior developer evangelist for Viv Labs/Samsung, for the Bixby Developers Chat podcast. Roger interviewed me, Carl Robinson, about my new project, Rumble Studio. It’s an innovative new tool for recording podcasts and audio content asynchronously; and yes, we used Rumble Studio to record this podcast!
Here’s what Roger wrote in the original podcast description:
We discuss how Carl got involved in podcasting and what he has learned 70+ podcasts in. Carl gives some very valuable advice for both beginning podcasters and more experienced podcasters.
We then discuss Rumble Voice, the innovative new way to record podcasts and other audio content. Using Rumble Voice, the questions and answers (host and guest) can be recorded asynchronously. This podcast was recorded using Rumble Studio and I recorded all of the questions from my home office in Walnut Creek, California at my leisure. Carl recorded his answers from Paris, France at his leisure. Rumble studio takes care of the logistics and then stitching everything together at the end. It's truly a different way of creating audio content like podcasts.
We discuss the high costs/effort required to create quality audio content and how Rumble Studio was created to alleviate this problem. We also discuss how Rumble Studio unlocks creating short-form audio which can be recombined into new content and the exciting possibilities for web search engines to index audio content.
We finish by discussing the state of the voice industry. What is working right now and what needs improvement. And where voice can go.
Roger gives a short 2-minute review of Rumble Studio at the end of the podcast.
Links from the show:
Rumble Studio - https://rumble.studio/
Rumble Studio LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/rumble-studio/
All Bixby Developers Chat Episodes available at:
Carl Robinson - Twitter: @VoiceTechCarl
Carl Robinson - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlrobins0n/
Carl Robinson - carl@rumble.studio
Voice Tech Podcast - https://voicetechpodcast.com/
Voice Tech Newsletter - https://voicetechpodcast.com/voice-chops-tuesday-newsletter/
Support Voice Tech Podcast Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/voicetechpodcast
More about Bixby
Samsung Bixby is a next-generation, AI platform that enables developers to build rich voice and conversational AI experiences for the Bixby Marketplace, and Bixby devices including phones, watches, televisions, smart appliances, and more.
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