May 1 , 2019
authordeathcommunicationpodcasthealthbusinessdisciplineadvicemotivationdesignentrepreneurpersonalfitnesscareertravelprofessionallifestylelossjournalsocietypositivitydevelopmentmentalgoalsnetworkingproductivitynprselfhelpDo you struggle with making decisions? I'm sharing the 5-step strategy I use to make smarter decisions. Number 3 is my favorite.
Whether you're bad at decision making or plain old indecisive, there are ways to improve.
In episode 70, we discuss:
This week's Wordspiration (#wordspiration) is brought you to by Brad Montague (www.instagram.com/bradmontague). Be sure to give him a follow and tell them @youwannadowhat sent ya!
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