Mar 2 , 2019
workers compworkers compensationworkers compensation attorneyvirginia workers compensationwork injury law firmworkers compensation death benefitsworkers compensation lawyerwrongful deathIn many cases the husband or wife of an employee killed on the job qualifies for Virginia workers compensation benefits for up to 500 weeks.
B. Patrick Agnew of Agnew Rosenberger a Virginia Workers Compensation law firm explains the benefits survivors of a work-related death may be entitled to.
Was your husband or wife the victim of a work injury that caused their death? You may be qualified to receive benefits, and should consult with a qualified VA workers comp lawyer now.
Agnew & Rosenberger PLLC
722 Commerce Street, 2nd Floor
Lynchburg, Virginia 24504
(434) 847-9066
We have offices all over Virginia, call now to get a free consultation on your work injury or wrongful death case.
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