This Week’s Association Chat Flash Briefing for the week of May 21, 2018

June 3 , 2018


This Week’s Association Chat Flash Briefing for the week of May 21, 2018 – with all the links and extras mentioned in the micro-podcast!

Meetings Today Live! Midwest

I’m recording this from St. Louis, Missouri, where Meetings Today Live! Midwest is taking place and where I’ll be presenting on Design Thinking for Better Engagement tomorrow. 

This meeting is for meeting planners who are interested in finding out more about the ways to jazz up their meetings with suppliers meeting with them for one-on-ones, it provides a deep-dive into the location and its properties, and it also has a little bit of education and entertainment.

(I guess I fit into the education part!)

I’ll be doing a collaboration with Meetings Today for Association Chat live Tuesday afternoon at 2 pm EDT, if you’d like to watch it as we interview meeting planners discussing hot topics in the event industry.

There’s also another big meeting taking place this week...

ASAE’s 2018 Marketing, Membership & Communications Conference (MMCC) - is taking place May 22-23rd in Washington , DC...this is an event for association professionals looking to improve their marketing, communication, and membership strategies and learn about technologies and trends to enhance their business. I’ve spoken at it and attended it in years past and I have to say, this one usually provides inspiration that keeps me running for the next year, so I can’t wait to follow along on Twitter using their hashtag #MMCCon

By the way, you wanna get personal?

On Thursday the 24th, you can join a free webinar on “Personalization for Associations” explaining how personalization can increase engagement online for membership associations and nonprofits.

The link for registering for this webinar can be found on the Association Chat website blog, associationchat.com.


Personalization for Associations: Creating A Seamless Digital Experience For Your Members



  • Thu, May 24, 2018 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT

Join Michael Spinosa, CEO of Unleashed Technologies, and Jason Currier, Director NGO Mid-Atlantic at Acquia, as they share their insight into how personalization can increase engagement online for membership associations and nonprofits.

This webinar will provide an overview for marketers on how to begin exploring personalization and no prior background on the subject is required to attend.

Finally, do you like these Flash Briefings?

Find out how you can make one for your own organization in a 1-hour online class next Thursday on May 31st!

The class costs $50 until May 28th and then the price will go up to $75, but will save you hours and hours of research as I share with you the tools, programs, and essential steps you need to take to create your own micro-podcast for Amazon’s Echo devices. You can sign up for that class for $50 today by going to associationchat.com and checking out the info on the site.


(By the way, Association Chat Patreon patrons receive a discount. If you are a monthly patron, check out the Patreon site or your inbox for special codes and instructions for your discount!)


Well, that’s it for today!


Thanks for tuning into this Association Chat flash briefing.


If you enjoyed this briefing, please share it, visit associationchat.com, and subscribe to receive weekly emails and access to the podcast and online community!

Thanks for listening!

How to listen to Association Chat Flash Briefings on Amazon Echo devices

There's now a new way get Association Chat News updates throughout the week!

Association Chat is now delivering the latest association industry news updates weekly through Amazon Echo devices.

You'll need to add Association Chat as a skill to your Amazon Alexa app:

  1. Go to the menu in your Alexa app and click on "skills"
  2. Search for "Association Chat"
  3. Click on the Association Chat Flash Briefing logo and then click "enable" -- you're all set!
  4. When you're ready to listen to the latest flash briefing, just say: "Alexa, what's my Flash Briefing?" or "Alexa, play the Association Chat Flash Briefing!"

Please check it out and let me know what you think!

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