Feb 2 , 2018
startupsnetworkangelmediawebentrepreneurnewsteveweekchentwistentertainmentshowsJason Calacanisthis week in startupstwistartupsthis week intwiscreendatesteve chen1:00-2:45 Today we have another serial entrepreneur turned angel investor, Steve Chen.
2:45-3:15 Welcome Steve. How did we first meet?
3:15-7:00 Thank you to Squarespace for supporting the show! Everyone thank @Squarespace!
7:00-9:00 What happened with GoPlanIt?
9:00-10:00 How did the business do after launch?
10:00-12:00 Has starting a company become easier in recent years?
12:00-14:00 How many companies have you invested in to date?
14:00-19:45 Steve details why he knew that Space Monkey would be a fit as an investment.
19:45-21:00 Tyler: What was the hardest part about investing in Space Monkey? What hesitations did you have?
21:00-21:45 I don't think Drew cares and I'll tell you why: I'm not going to leave Dropbox.
21:45-24:00 Huge thanks to our friends at Trada for their support! Everyone thank @Trada!
24:00-26:00 Let's talk about Alltuition: what did you love about them?
26:00-28:00 How much do you think the startup world today is driven by UX?
28:00-30:30 Looking at the design site Behance.
30:30-32:30 If you look at a company with great design but with few features, do you bet on it?
32:30-39:00 How did you become a restauranteur?
39:00-41:30 What's the impact of early adopters in the restaurant business?
41:30-44:00 Steve discusses what he likes about Tyler's company, Skweal.
44:00-47:00 Why do restaurant owners feel hostility toward Yelp?
47:00-50:00 Does a business have to pay a fee to be a part of OpenTable?
50:00-54:00 Can you buy traffic to OpenTable?
54:00-56:00 How would a digital menu work?
56:00-58:30 Is the perception that, if you have a loyalty program, you're a failing restaurant?
58:30-01:00:30 Insight from Tyler: It's like a used wedding ring.
01:00:30-01:04:30 What is the most unreasonable customer situation that you've ever had to endure?
01:04:30-01:09:00 Jason shares his best restaurant trick for clearing out a table from his dad.
01:09:00-01:12:00 Steve tells Jason about his new project, ScreenDate.
01:12:00-01:14:00 Is there a mobile component?
01:14:00-01:16:45 So does the algorithm work like page rank?
01:16:45-01:20:30 So this forces people to be realistic?
01:20:30-01:26:00 Insight from Tyler: It's like British postage stamps?
01:26:00-01:27:45 Tyler shares an anecdote about a run in with a tall women.
01:27:45-01:30:00 Everyone check out ScreenDate.com. And be sure to eat at 5A5 Steak Lounge when you're in San Francisco. Thanks Steve. We'll see you all next time.
01:30:45-01:31:00 Insight from Tyler: It's like patenting a nuclear weapon.
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Jason: @jason
Tyler: @steepdecline
Steve: @a5steve
GoToMeeting: @gotomeeting
Trada: @trada
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