#319: Charm in Sales - Jordan Harbinger

Feb 6 , 2018


What does charm have to do with your sales success?  More than you may think. Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale dive deep into a conversation about the importance of creating real value for others with Jordan Harbinger, host of popular The Art of Charm podcast.  They discuss Jordan’s recommendations for salespeople who want to get serious about incorporating real, meaningful interactions with others into their sales process.  Are you thinking about how you show up in front of your prospects and how to demonstrate your personal value?  Is your mindset helping or hurting you?  Jordan says these are key to being charming (and successful) in your sales career and your personal life.  In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan take Jordan’s best practices and apply them to sales.  You may be surprised just how similar the principles are to the “Inner Game” concepts you’ve heard Bill and Bryan discuss for years.  

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