Cosmic Kids Yoga Disco | Hot Air Balloonin'

Feb 6 , 2019

yogaDiscokids yogaCosmic Kids Yogayoga disco

Download on iTunes: http://apple.co/1GLifAr
Cosmic Kids Yoga Disco! Helping kids have fun and be active to music.
Do ‘Hot Air Balloon’ (a breathing exercise) and lots of other fun yoga moves - all to a funky electro beat.
We've added the lyrics so you can learn the words, sing along and practice until you can copy all the moves.
Have your own yoga disco in your classroom or living room!

Learn to teach kids yoga with Jaime: http://www.cosmickids.com/learn/
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Stream all our videos ad-free: https://cosmickids.vhx.tv
Have you seen our DVDs? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cosmic-Kids-Yoga-DVD-stories/dp/B009VFZ49W
Visit our Cosmic Kids Yoga shop! http://www.cosmickids.com/shop/

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